Cheer Academy
Terms and conditions
This agreement sets out the terms and conditions that will govern the relationship between you, the student and/or parent of the student, and Katie Cobie T/A Kobika Dance therein after called “Kobika”. It is a legally binding agreement and will be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Your Dance/Cheer session
v Classes run weekly in term-time. Students may, on occasions, be expected to attend extra rehearsals/performances.
v The dates and times of classes are published prior to the start of term. Classes are subject to alteration due to unforeseen circumstances and students will be informed of such alterations in advance wherever possible.
v These terms and conditions also apply to any workshops, performance or events that the student takes part in with Kobika An additional fee will apply to these additional activities.
v Each individual within a class is part of a group and as such it greatly helps our work if all students arrive on time and attend all classes arranged. Kobika reserves the right to refuse entry to the class if the student is more than 5 minutes late.
v Kobika should be notified in advance if you/your child is not attending a class so that we may plan accordingly and keep our records up to date. No refunds will be made for missed classes.
v It is your responsibility to inform us via email to info@kobikadance.co.uk or in writing to The Garden House, 1a Philip Drive, Flackwell Heath, Bucks HP10 9JD if:
v You/your child has any medical conditions and/or allergies, special needs or learning disabilities which could affect them during class
v You/your child has any injuries which could affect them during class. Agreeing to attend a class is a declaration of your fitness.
v Of any changes to your/your child’s circumstances e.g. address, contact details, medical conditions etc.
v Kobika reserves the right to change teachers at short notice as and when necessary.
v Kobika reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient demand. In this case a full refund will be given.
v Some dance forms may require physical contact when demonstrating /correcting a student and I hereby consent to physical correction.
v Kobika’s duty of care for a student is during stated class times only and then only to negligence. This is on the condition that they adhere to the rules of behaviour and conduct given by the teacher. Supervision outside of class/performance times is not the responsibility of Kobika.
v We expect that parents/guardians to be punctual on collecting students at the end of their class.
v We expect that students aged 12+ attending classes will leave the class unaccompanied, no longer becoming the responsibility of the teacher in charge, unless we are notified otherwise.
v No fizzy drinks are permitted during classes, performances, competitions or workshops.
v All valuables will be the responsibility of the student. Kobika will not be liable for any loss or damage.
v All fees are payable in advance or by invoice due date. Invoices will be issued to you/your child at the end of their first class of each term or if requested via email. Invoices will be assumed to have been received unless notified otherwise during the first week of each term.
v Any invoices sent out for unpaid fees after invoice due date will be subject to a £5 administration charge or you/your child will not be allowed to attend class.
v If the debt remains unpaid after 4 weeks we may engage a debt collection agency to pursue you for the debt. You agree that you will be responsible for all costs of the debt collection agency.
v Offers/discounts are only applicable for students booking onto and paying for a full term.
v All current students are expected to pay for a full term. You are deemed to be a current student if you attended the previous term and will automatically be rebooked onto your class/s for the next term unless we are informed otherwise before the end of the current term.
v Kobika accepts new students throughout the term. Fees will be pro-rated from the first class attended.
v Preferred payment is via BACS or Barclays Pingit with student’s full name as reference. All other payments either cash or cheque MUST be in a named envelope with details of the payment and classes it relates to. Kobika will not accept responsibility for mislaid cheques or cash payments.
v Cancelled/returned cheques will be charged an extra £10.00 on top of outstanding fees.
v All cheques should be made payable to Kobika Dance.
v Fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.
v All fees are payable termly in advance however, an option is available to pay monthly. If this option is taken the following terms apply:
v Regular monthly payments MUST be made, the first payment by the first session of the start of each term.
v If for any reason a student leaves during a term, full payment of the account is made at that time.
v Payment plans are subject to a 5% administration charge and must be cleared by the end of each term.
v All students are expected to conduct themselves sensibly during all classes/sessions, showing self-discipline and respect towards others at all times. Students who damage Kobika or any venue’s equipment or property through misuse or reckless behaviour will be held liable to any costs of repair or replacement. Kobika reserves the right to exclude students from lessons at its discretion.
v No mobile phones are to be used in class.
v When using social media all students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and sensibly with polite etiquette. Students should ensure they uphold the reputation of Kobika. Inappropriate use of social media in association with Kobika may jeopardise your place at Kobika.
v Uniform is compulsory if you take part in ballet classes (Leotard and tights) and training uniform is compulsory for Kobika Starlites and Kobika Company.
v No jewellery is to be worn.
v Costumes and/or props on loan or hired to a student must be returned to Kobika in the same condition.
Model release
v By signing the Kobika Dance/Kobika Starlite registration form you consent to the following:Your consent gives permission for images/video footage of yourself/your child to be taken during Kobika Dance classes, workshops, parties, demonstrations, events and shows, and for these images/video footage to be lawfully used for the advertising, marketing and promotion of Kobika Dance. Consent also includes the release of photographs/video footage for sale to parents as mementos of Kobika Dance workshops or the rehearsals/shows performed by students of Kobika Dance. The photographs/video footage may be used in Kobika Dance promotional material including, but not limited to, flyers, posters, newsletters, course leaflets, advertisements, promotional show reels, web site and press releases. You also relinquish any right to edit/examine or approve the products or use to which any such image(s) is/are applied in the lawful promotion of Kobika Dance. Written confirmation will be required if you wish to opt out of Model Release terms and conditions and it may not be possible for your child to continue with the class.
v A cheerleading and what it involves information sheet is available at www.kobikastarlites.co.uk. The information sheet should be read in conjunction with the terms & conditions.
All students are required to complete and sign a Kobika registration form to confirm that they have read and understood the Kobika Terms & Conditions and the Cheerleading and what it involves information sheet.
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